Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Break Is Not What It Used To Be!

Gone are the day of a carefree spring break, filled with friends, booze and sleeping in late.  Now spring break means rowdy threenagers waking me up early, demanding milk and breakfast and destroying the house every morning in 3.3 seconds. Is this how my parents felt when my sister and I had off for Spring Break, or any break for that matter?!?  I thought they loved us being home!  I guess I was wrong.  I used to also think that my mother loved sitting in the heat to watch me play softball every year.  A few years ago I was told otherwise...and you think you know someone!

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Children's for G's neurology appointment.  It went well, we get to go for another EEG soon. Oh joy! L has turned into a talking machine!  He is like a sponge! Everything I say, he repeats.  It's pretty cool if you ask me! I really need to start watching my potty mouth.  I believe he may have repeated and F bomb.  Whoops!  Live and learn!  Although G still can't talk, he is finding other way to communicate with us.  It's pretty cool.  I can't imagine the frustration of wanting to say something but not being able to get it out. The boys are LOVING school!  Some afternoons when I go to pick them up they don't want to leave.  Other days they can't get out the door fast enough. We are lucky that they have amazing teachers that care about them. We just got news that the hubs will be gone another month.  BOOOOO! We were so looking forward to him coming home.  The boys have changed so much in the time he's been away.

Last weekend we had the March of Dimes walk.  Team FAMM did amazing and raised $4000 in a month. Imagine what we can do in more time!  It's was a awful for the boys.  we ended up leaving before the walk even started.  I think between the loud noise, lots of people, the heat, and many other factors it was to overstimulating for them.   Needless to say, was ran back to the car, all three of us crying, and hightailed it out of there!

Today we went to Sea and Explore.  It's a therapy place but they open up two hours a day for free play.  The boys loved it!  The therapists that work there are amazing and the boys had so much fun. We will definitely be going back! It was a bonus that we were the only ones there so G&L had the run of the place.  Now they're have a lovely snooze and then we have to go pick our sick dog up from the vet.  Poor girl has been throwing up and won't eat.

Cheers to Spring Break!

PS...Being an adult is overrated! 

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