As we approach April 2nd, and the "Light It Up Blue" campaign from Autism Speaks I feel I need to share our story, as too why we support it. I know there are many that do not, and they are entitled to their own opinion. This is just my view, as a mom to two amazing, smart boys with Autism.
To start, if one person asks me to educate them about Autism beause of Light it UP Blue and World Autism Day, then to me, it's a success. Secondly, for our family, Autism Speaks has helped us first hand. When the boys were first diagnosed with Autism almost a year ago, we felt lost, defeated, and like we were the worst parents in the world. G&L we diagnosed as moderate to severe, we were given suggestions on what to do as far as therapy, and then sent on our way. What do we do with all this information? Who do we turn too? I started researching on line and came across Autism Speaks.
After I wrote down a list of things to ask, I took the plunge and gave them ( Autism Speaks) a call. The person I spoke too, gave me a ton of information and was able to point us in a direction and helped us get started. We were given phone number to call that could help us locally, different therapies, and most of all, this woman listened to me cry for about an hour. To this day, I still speak to this woman and she checks in to see how the boys are doing. Although we have never met, I consider her a friend, she was there to help us, when we felt lost. Now, a year later, I am stronger, my husband is stronger, and most importantly, G&L are stronger and doing amazing things.
Where does all the money go? Last year while I was fundraising for the March of Dimes people were boycotting, saying they only get $.10 on the dollar and that was why it was called March of Dimes. that is false, as is a lot of things that are spread about non profit organizations. You can look up just about any organization online and there will be good things said, as well as bad things, and many things that contradict each other.
If I can help one person who is newly diagnosed, or educate one person, or help one family get the care they need to give their loved one with Autism the best life possible and the best services, I'm going to do it.
You can agree with me, or disagree with me, we all have our opinions. My views are coming with my personal experience on how Autism Speaks helped my family. I will "Light it Up Blue" and I will walk with pride on April 26th to raise money and awareness. Most importantly I will continue to love my children for everything they are and everything they will become. They're going places in this world and I am honored that I am here to be by their side and chosen to be their mother.
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